سالي راضي
لايف كوتش

متخصصة في العلاقات الزوجية والأسرية وتنمية الذات، مع خبرة واسعة في الجلسات الفردية والجروب كوتشنج. تساعد عملاءها على فهم أنفسهم بشكل أعمق من خلال التدوين وأدوات الكوتشنج الفعالة.

الاهتمام بقضايا حياتك

نحن جميعًا نعلم كم يمكن أن تكون الحياة مليئة بالتحديات والصعوبات، وأنه لا يوجد دائمًا جواب لكل المشاكل التي قد تواجهها. أنا هنا لمساعدتك.

سالي راضي
لايف كوتش

متخصصة في العلاقات الزوجية والأسرية وتنمية الذات، مع خبرة واسعة في الجلسات الفردية والجروب كوتشنج. تساعد عملاءها على فهم أنفسهم بشكل أعمق من خلال التدوين وأدوات الكوتشنج الفعالة.

الاهتمام بقضايا حياتك

نحن جميعًا نعلم كم يمكن أن تكون الحياة مليئة بالتحديات والصعوبات، وأنه لا يوجد دائمًا جواب لكل المشاكل التي قد تواجهها. أنا هنا لمساعدتك.
My mission has been to make quality life coaching affordable and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life. Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part rent-a-friend, coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and just plain folks, helping them define and achieve their goals — career, personal, or most often, both.
My mission has been to make quality life coaching affordable and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life. Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part rent-a-friend, coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and just plain folks, helping them define and achieve their goals — career, personal, or most often, both.

Working together
for your better life

An article revealed a study where training alone was compared to life coaching combined with training. The study showed that training combined with weekly life coaching increased productivity.

I can’t believe you were able to guide us through this major life decision with just one month of coaching. So, thank you again for helping us see through the fog!



She listened to what we wanted to work on and tailored her techniques to our particular situation. She always suggested sensible and practical ways to tackle our issues, and they worked!



Her passion in life is sharing what she has learned to help you to do the same … if you are willing to listen, learn, and act! I know we wouldn’t be where we are today without her help.


Life coaching
in numbers

Before you start your coaching, you’re sure to have a number of questions about the journey you will soon undertake. Here are crunched numbers about it before coaching even begins.
0123456789001234567890                     %
Success for all clients so far
Setting and achieving goals and objectives
012345678900123456789001234567890                     +
Clients consulted in total
Making key decisions and designing success strategies
0123456789001234567890                     +
Certificates and awards globally
Finding the ideal career/work or business
0123456789001234567890                     +
Years of coaching experience
Communicating powerfully and succinctly

Effortless success

Practice ultimate self-care and increase your health and vitality. People who take exceptional care of themselves attract extraordinary opportunities and people into their lives. Learn the importance of being blessedly selfish.


Work smarter, not harder

Align yourself with the energy that’s already out there. Attract success instead of chasing after it and stop struggling to reach your goals—you know, coming up with a plan, setting a timeline and taking specific action steps, etc.

ابدأ الآن
مع الكوتشينج الحياتي

احصل على الدافع والتوجيه والدعم الذي تحتاجه لوضع حياتك على المسار الصحيح. لم يعد عليك أن تكافح بمفردك بعد الآن!

Celeste working hours

Monday - Wednesday
8AM - 7PM
8AM - 5PM
8AM - 6PM
Saturday - Sunday

Contact details